Linear Equations came as a result for my searching for ways to incorporate simple and ever-present shapes into the constrained form of a circle. Repetition of a segment of linear parallels changing direction at a very ordered rhythm seemed to be the answer I was looking for at the time.
I do believe that the visual repetition of patterns has something hypnotic and truly enticing about it. It is a never-ending cycle. Like the circle it is captured in.
Glass and the possibilities of constructing 3D objects from thousands of beads mesmerise me with the endless possibilities.
Linear Equations consist of 7.480 beads.
I do believe that the visual repetition of patterns has something hypnotic and truly enticing about it. It is a never-ending cycle. Like the circle it is captured in.
Glass and the possibilities of constructing 3D objects from thousands of beads mesmerise me with the endless possibilities.
Linear Equations consist of 7.480 beads.